With Love ~ Curcol
okay, this is random
aaa..... etto... ini random topik~
aaa..... etto....this is a random topic~
aaa..... etto....this is a random topic~
jadi, ini adalah post kategori "With Love", ini adalah post pertama khusus untuk kategori "with love" dsini.... jadi... "with love" itu adalah sebuah kategori post dsini. Ini adalah kategori post yang spesial untuk random topik. Kenapa? Karena aku tidak tau apa yang akan ku post sekarang... orz
So, there is a category "With Love", this is the 1st post of "with love" in here. so..... "with love" is a 'category post' at here. This is a category post special to a random topic. Why? because i don't know what we want to post now... orz
Ok, topik nya adalah....
Okay, the topic ish.....
Okay, the topic ish.....
what the meaning of 'Curcol' , mam?
'ehm EHM ehm...
so... Curcol is 'CURhat COLongan' (read -in japanesse- = jurucoru)
Curcol or Curhat Colongan is an Indonesian language, um.. i'm not sure for the english ver. but this is meaning "we confide our problems/something"
maybe like that~ /slap
aa..... sorry for the mistake.
so, in many times indonesian people if they confide her/his problem/something sometimes they will say "ah sori malah jd curcol" or "duh kok jd curcol" or "sori curcol" etc.
The main idea of Curcol is.... Confide something at a post etc.
A: "um.. i have a new bike!"
B: "Ah.. a bike.... when i was 6 years old i have a bike and than it disappeared... but i loves that bike! ;_;
Ah... sorry.... sorry for the curcol"
A: "eh? ahahahahah sorry 'bout that..."
in a group fb someone posted something like this:
Hi... sorry for the long hiatus T_T"
a.. yesterday im not going online too.... *throwthemodem
yesterday i have a lot of homework and then i must go to my uncle's house, and when im going to browsing, the internet was disconnect and then...
*jeng jeng
Ah, i forgot to pay the internet OTL
curcol is just a fun words...
Usually Teens in Indonesia use it.
im just telling you this, dude
because this is "With Love"~~
a... sori bwt org indo gwe g sempet bikin bhs indo... gwe janji dah di "with love mendatang gwe bat ver. indonya... OTL
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