
Daily Song
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[初音ミクAppendオリジナル曲] カガリビト
[Hatsune Miku Append Original Song] Kagaribito

By  2e

Title: [初音ミクAppendオリジナル曲] カガリビト / [Hatsune Miku Append Original Song] Kagaribito
Music / Words : millstones mylist/1925013
Character Design / Illustration : 2e http://derniente.web.fc2.com/

Vocal : 初音ミクAppend(Dark→Soft→Solid)

Kanji, romaji, English, and Indonesian Lyrics:

静まり 返り  眠る 街 を 駆け ゆく
(shizu-mari ka-e-ri   nemu-ru machi o kake yuku)
[It runs through a town to sleep quietly and goes]

吹き 抜け 踊る 風 に 乗り 夜 の 淵 へ
(fuki nuke o-doru kaze ni nori yoru no fuchi e)
[It rides in the wind which blows and to dance, to the night depths]

輝く 月 が   その 横顔 を 捉える
(kagaya-ku tuki ga sono yoko-ga-o o tora-e-ru)
[The moon to shine catches that profile]

冷たく 光る  左手 は 何 を 掴む
(tume-taku hika-ru hidari-te wa nani o tsuka-mu)
[What does a left hand to shine coldly take?]

解(くず)れ ゆく 世界 の   欠片 を ひとひら
(kuzu-re yuku seka-i no kakera o hito-hira)
[The fragment of the world which collapse goes to, one]

意思 の 火 を 片手 に  縢(かが)り 歩く
(i-shi no hi o kata-te ni kaga-ri a-ruku)
[The fire of the intention is sewn in one hand, and it walks]

終わり など 見え ない 仕組み なの だから
(o-wari nado mi-e na-i shiku-mi nano dakara)
[Because it is the structure not to see the end]

問う 事 は 諦め    一つ一つ
(to-u koto wa a-kira-me hitotu-hitotu)
[Asking is given up, piece by piece]

絓糸(つたいと) 途切れ  気付け ば 唯一 の 針
(tuta-i-to togi-re kidu-ke ba yu-i-i-tu no hari)
[The weft was interrupted, If it is considerate, a needle is only one]

縋る 事 さえ  許され ず に 膝 を 折る
(suga-ru koto sa-e yuru-sare zu ni hiza o o-ru)
[It doesn't allow even to cling, and kneels]

水面 に 映る  ツギハギ だらけ の 身体
(mina-mo ni u-turu tugi-hagi darake no karada)
[The body of full of patcheries reflected to the surface]

空蝉 に 問う  これ は 夢 か 幻 か
(u-tusemi ni to-u kore wa yume ka maboroshi ka)
[It is asked to the real world, Is this a dream or a vision?]

くたびれ ては 眠り   赤い 夢 を 見る
(kutabire tewa nemu-ri a-ka-i yume o miru)
[A red dream that it gets tired and to sleep is dreamed]

篝火 は 倒れて     空 を 焦がす
(kagari-bi wa ta-o-rete sora o ko-gasu)
[A bonfire falls down, and burns the sky]

急き 立て られる よ<う> に ゆらり 歩き 出す
(seki tate rareru yo ni yurari a-ruki dasu)
[It begins to walk slowly so that it may be hurried]

孤独 な 太陽(ほし) の 様 に   繰り返して
(ko-doku na hoshi no yo ni kuri-ka-e-shite)
[It is repeated like the lonely sun(star).]

繋ぎ 止める
(tuna-gi to-meru)
[Tie down]

全て の 火 を
(sube-te no hi o)
[All fire]

澄み 切った 青空  岩陰 に もたれて
(sumi kitta a-o-zora i-wa-kage ni mota-rete)
[The blue sky which became clear completely, It leans behind the rock]

頬 撫で ゆく 風 は 「おやすみ」と 呟いた
(hoho nade yuku kaze wa "o-yasume" to tubuya-i-ta)
[As for the wind which stroked cheeks, "Good night" was muttered]

解(ほつ)れ 解(ほつ)れ
(hotu-re hotu-re)
[It comes loose, loose]

欠片 に 戻る 現世(うつしよ)の 記憶 は 霧散 の 瀬戸際 を 未だ 見ず
(kakera ni modo-ru u-tushi-yo no ki-o-ku wa musa-n no seto-giwa o i-mada mizu)
[Still a memory doesn't see the brink of disappear. The memory of real world to be returned in the fragment]

辛うじて 留める 形 を 繋ぐ 敢え無い 魔法 は 掛け替え の 無い 命 の 影
(karo-o-jite todo-meru katachi o tuna-gu a-e-na-i maho-u wa kake-ga-e no na-i i-nochi no kage)
[The unsatisfied magic which a form to keep narrowly is connected with is the shadow of the life.]

動か ぬ その 右手 には クチナシ の 花束 を
(u-go-ka nu sono migi-te niwa kuchi-nashi no hana-taba o)
[In that right hand which doesn't move, the bouquet of the gardenia]

地 に 返る 魂 に 捧ぐ 餞
(chi ni ka-e-ru tamashi-i ni sasa-gu hanamuke)
[That is a parting present to dedicate to the soul that it is returned to the ground]

残された 世界 に は 縁なし の 絶望 と
(noko-sareta seka-i ni wa fuchi-nashi no zetubo-u to)
[Despair with no border with the left world]

願わくば 暫く の 永遠 を
(nega-wakuba shibara-ku no e-i-e-n o)
[Hopefully, eternity for a while]

Jujur, saia masih ada yang gak ngerti to iki, Tapi ada yangg saia mengerti, jadi komen untuk kasih tau dimana yang salah...

Credit= vocaloidotaku.com / Translate.google.com

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